Hello, I am Danhuri Jelinek

I am a software engineer with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.

I love dog's (I'm tutor of 9!), chilling on the beach and playing digital games (all sort of).

Danhuri and his great dane puppy Belinha

This Website

I built this website to serve as my personal page and also to showcase some of my skills as a web developer.

In this section you can check out and read more about some of the technologies I used in the development of this website.

I'm currently developing a blog area where I will post some articles about web development and about my past and future jobs.

Stay tunned!

01. React

Engineered based on UI Components using CSS Modules. Custon Hooks for HTTP handling. Form validation based on states. Framer Motion Animations.

02. Next.js

Using File-system Routing for page routes creation. Pre-rendered Pages and Images Optimization for better SEO. API Routes for handling the Backend Services.

03. Node.js

Improved the productivity by building the Backend entirely on Node.js serverless functions (lambda functions) through Next.js API Routes.

04. Firebase

Firestore NoSQL database with custom data structures, secutiry rules to prevent unauthorized access and token based user authentication.